Hard Work Never Fail

When you want to achieve something big in life, you must work hard consistently and that is non-negotiable. Until you get the target that you desire, you cannot stop and must always persevere...Read More

Self Perseverance

When you try to work your way towards realizing your dream, it is very important to have enough self perseverance. You have to be strong when things get tough and the road is not as smooth as it seems...Read More

Failure is the Mother of Success

Failure and success are like two sides of a coin. It keeps on running side by side. If you want to achieve life success, then most of the time that cannot be done unless you have experienced some failures first...Read More

Success Never Comes Easy

It is sometimes hard to consistently work every day and wait patiently for the realization of achievement that we continuously pursue. Only with strong determination that you can come out on top and arrive at the very end destination on the road to success. After all, success never comes easy for all people...Read More

Hard Work Pays Off

Hard work pays off eventually. When we want to achieve success in life, there is no substitute for the amount of effort that we need to do to realize the achievement. That means we need to work hard consistently until we can accomplish our target...Read More

5 Simple Steps to Plan for Success

A plan for success is something that can be formulated by anyone who is eager to achieve what he/she wants in life. After all, they say that if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. But the question is: what are the things that we need to pay attention to formulate the best plan for success?...Read More

Work Hard in Silence for Great Success in Life

There is no substitute in terms of hard work and there is no secret recipe in terms of success. The two of them are interconnected with each other and will determine what kind of life do we have in the end, whether our life will be something that we will be proud of or not...Read More

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: The Two Factor Theory for Your Road to Success

In pursuing the road to success that each of us have in our life, constant motivation is needed so that we can keep putting on consistent effort every day which is the requirement if we want to achieve our life goals. The drive that keeps us to move forward in the road to success can actually be divided to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation...Read More

Listening to Others’ Opinions on the Road to Success

One of the lessons learned in life is when we try to do something on our road to success which seems to contradict with other people’s belief, perspectives, and expectations, without a doubt, we tend to draw out the opinions on what we do from those around us. Those opinions given can be something which affect our belief on what we do and trigger a question in our thinking, is the path that we want to pursue on our road to success is the right one? ...Read More

Overcoming Self Doubt to Reach Your Personal Development Goals

Without a doubt, self doubt is a feeling which can potentially be the biggest hurdle to achieve your personal development goals in life. It can make us feel that there is no way our desired results can come to us through anything that we do, no matter how hard we work for it...Read More

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