Failure is not Fatal

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Failure is not Fatal - Positivity Stories

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Failure is simply part of the personal growth journey that will make us arriving in our final destination which is the success that we want. Failure is not fatal for our success and it is something which is simply meant to test our self motivation, whether we have strong enough self motivation to keep working toward our goal.

It is a personal growth journey meant to make us work hard enough for our success. Do we have enough self motivation to do it?

Why Failure is not Fatal

Many people say that failure is the stepping stone of success. Well, as a person doing our personal growth while we are at it, we actually must try to do our best to not meet that during our journey for our success. But often it does not work that way and failure will come in a number of times when we try to do the hard work which is needed to achieve success. As such time, it is very important for us to have the self motivation get back up again and keep our determination to reach what we want as our target or our dream in life, as also being told in the previous article. Failure is not fatal for our chance of success.

When we have the self motivation to do something continuously without giving up, we actually can always learn something from our experience and do our personal growth by doing it to be better in the next run. As a human, I believe we have the ability to do personal growth and learn to do something from zero until we are expert in the area. If, at the moment, you have the ability to drive a car effortlessly, do you remember when you first did it? When we start to learn how to drive a car, we have to memorize on the basic things such as where the gas and brake pedal is, how to turn right or left, how to park the car, etc. But after you have the self motivation to try and try without giving up and have a personal growth by learning from your mistakes that you experience while driving a car, you begin to nail it and after that, it becomes pretty much effortless and automatic for you to do the driving of your car. We can see the case that failure is not fatal for our success in there. That ability to automatically and effortlessly drive a car cannot be gained if we stop our personal growth of driving halfway during learning or when we probably hit something when doing the learning. The same thing, I believe, goes to what we have to have as a self motivation to achieve success. At first, you have to learn from the very bottom about the work and navigate your way step by step to have the personal growth to do it right, to steer your way to success. But the more you do it and the more mistakes and failures which you overcome during the course, you will automatically become much clearer about what and how to do the work needed in the right way for success and you will be that much closer from realizing your dream before finally really realizing it because of the amount of the personal growth that you have done. Failure is not fatal, as you can see from this. Instead, it can push you to your success much closer.

Read also: Overcoming Self Doubt to Reach Your Personal Development Goals

Perspective on Failure

As the way it seems, failure seems to be the test which is being put to see the strength of our self motivation at the success that we want to achieve. Can and how fast does that person doing the necessary personal growth for success after failing during his/her journey to get the success he/she craves? Can the failure stop his/her self motivation to do the work? How strong is his/her determination to be always there to fight for what he/she thinks is important for him/her? Often failure makes us want to stop fighting, stop our personal growth, and stop chasing our dream or our target. When it does that, that is the moment that you really fail. Because of that, our success will never come to your door.

So work hard, have a perspective that failure is not fatal, and never let it stop you to do the personal growth to achieve your dream because you never know how close you are to your success when the failure comes. Failure is not fatal. Just believe that by keep working hard, you will eventually get what you want at the end!

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