The Importance of Improving Own Knowledge and Skills

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The Importance of Improving Own Knowledge and Skills - Positivity Stories

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What is the area that you want to be an expert in? When you want to develop yourself to become one of the experts or successful people in something, you must recognize the importance of improving own knowledge and skills. Learning and implement what you learn should be a cycle that keeps on going until you can accomplish the achievements that you want in your area.

There is a 10,000 hours rule which is being popularized by Malcolm Gladwell that says you must apply at least 10,000 hours to the thing that you do to become one of the top people in it. That means that you have to gradually develop your knowledge and skills in a long period so you can succeed in it. Looking at the path that has been taken by successful people who work themselves to get to the point of achievements, you can say that the importance of improving own knowledge and skills is high in their case too.

In terms of continuously developing yours, you can do it using the external and internal sources which have their own importance, advantages, and disadvantages.

The Importance of Improving Own Knowledge and Skills: The External Sources

When it comes to using external sources for developing yourself, there are many media that you can utilize.

There are educational events like training or seminar, writings like articles or books, discussion with other people, groups or forums, or academic institutions that can become your go-to sources in external learning. They are available on online or offline media in many forms and you just have to pick which one that suits your needs in the personal growth that you aspire to have.

When you try to do your learning from the external sources, you can choose the thing that you want to learn and immediately get the lessons that you can use to improve what you currently do. You can also learn from other people’s experience and insight which might be richer in terms of the content compared to if you understand things from your experience.

However, the materials that you learn from external sources might not all be appropriate to be implemented to the things that you work on and they will not stick to you if you are not motivated to implement them consistently in your work. You might consider the importance of improving own knowledge and skills from external sources that has been told when you want to do it compared to the internal sources.

Read also: 5 Ways of How to Improve General Knowledge Online

The Importance of Improving Own Knowledge and Skills: The Internal Sources

If you want to do your learning from the internal sources, then it means that you want to learn the knowledge and skills from your experience at work. This might be important to do after you have understood things from the external sources because, as it has been told earlier, you need to see whether they fit on what you work on. Implement it while seeing the produced results might be the best course to see the improvements that you can get from the external sources learning.

You can also try to do your learning by directly working on some projects or other things that you want to be competent in. You will grasp the knowledge and skills by trial and error and learning by experience that you do. This might be the best course of understanding matters fully because something that you experience yourself should be much stickier to you and can be directly seen in terms of their results for your work.

On the other hand, you have to remember that if you need to experience the things that you want to understand, then it might take you some period to do that. Therefore, learning from other people’s experience as in the external sources and see whether it works for you by implementing them might be the best combination of improving your knowledge and skills in terms of productivity on most cases.

Whether you take lessons from external or internal sources, the importance of improving own knowledge and skills cannot be underestimated. From the description that has been given, you can see that the importance of improving own knowledge and skills from external and internal sources has its unique things to consider. You may need to assess what is the method which can be the most beneficial for you to acknowledge the importance of improving own knowledge and skills in your case.

One thing for sure, though. The continuous learning and development activity that you do for yourself is important if you want to reach the top in the things that you do.

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