The Importance to Define Your Own Success

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The Importance to Define Your Own Success - Positivity Stories

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Success is different to each one of us. It depends on ourselves to define whether our current life has been a success or not and whether there is still something that must be done by us so we are satisfied with it. Thus, it can be so important for you to define your own success so you know your current situation and what best to be done with it in the future.

When you say that a person is successful, what do you see in the person, the most important attribute, that makes you think that way?

Is it because he/she has a massive social impact? Or the reason is that the wealth that is attributed to him/her? Or probably because of the fame and popularity that the person has gained?

Well, the answer can be some reference for you to define your own success in life.

It Can Be a Different Competition for a Different Prize

Now, when you look at your current situation, do you define yourself as a success at the moment?

Is the current state what you want in life? What do you expect your life to turn out?

Is there something that you still want to chase? Something missing?

There can be many different things that back up our current situation assessment as a success or not. There can also be many different things that you still want to chase in your life.

And the assessment result can be different too if you ask another person to do the scoring for you.

Maybe you see yourself as a failure right now. You don’t have enough money to give maximum happiness to your family. But maybe another person sees it differently. He/she can say that you are a success because you can provide enough time to be with your family and do activities together. After all, your family seems to be happy and harmonious at the moment.

And that goes both ways. You can see the other person’s life as a failure when he/she defines him/herself as a success.

Then, when you ask another person again, the assessment can be different again.

Read also: Success Never Comes Easy

It really depends on a person’s perspective on life.

When you are jealous of a person’s achievement in life? Maybe the person wants something else and it is something that you currently have! You just don’t think it is because you don’t put much importance on that particular achievement of yours.

Maybe, it is a different competition for a different prize for each of us. When you define your own success version, it can be different from another person’s definition of it.

Define Your Own Success, Define Your Life

When you define your own success, the most important thing to achieve in life for yourself, it can be so important because it is the ultimate measurement that you will put yourself against.

Is it wealth? Is it influence? Is it popularity? You decide.

Maybe it is two or three of those things at the same time. Probably. But you should remember to take your notes to it and paltry it in your mind, your definition of success that is.

It is because only by achieving it that you can be satisfied with your life. Only by accomplishing it that you can be proud of yourself.

When you define your own success, try to assess the situation that you are currently in. Is it already in line with that definition? If not, what should you do so that you can realize that version of success for you?

You don’t have to care about what other people do in their life. It is their business. You have your own target and dreams to pursue and it can be different too with what other people want in their life. Listen to your own heart.

And when you have the definition, you must begin to pursue that thing if you want to realize it. Put in the effort. Nothing is impossible if you try hard and consistent enough to achieve it.

And it doesn’t have to be one thing or another. You can pursue several things and not neglect others. For example, you can pursue wealth while you also have quality time with your family. The most important thing is you should limit your focus to probably three to five things on what you want to accomplish, spare your time for each, and be relentless with your effort to them.

After all, it is your life and you have only one chance to get what you always dream of in it.

But the first crucial step is: define your own success clearly. It can be different from other people so don’t compare to them when you formulate your life measurement.

Define your own success, take the necessary effort, and be satisfied with your life!

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