There is No Success Without Sacrifice

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There is No Success Without Sacrifice - Positivity Stories

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The most often rule for everything is this: You need to give something before you can get what you want. There is no success without sacrifice and this fact has been known by the most successful people looking at their success stories. Thus, if you seriously want to achieve something big in life, then you should answer this question: are you ready to sacrifice the things that are needed for the achievement?

The word “sacrifice” might seem to be daunting for most people. After all, it implies that you should give something precious for you to be able to obtain another thing that you desire. Not everyone contends to do that. When they look at the price that they must pay, most probably they decide that it will be better to stick to what they already have.

Indeed, when you look at the success that you want to achieve, there must also be something precious that you have to offer. There is no success without sacrifice. When we look at the things that the most successful people has sacrificed to achieve where they are now, then there are two main things that stand out. They are time and hard work. You cannot succeed without giving your optimum on the two of them, it seems.

Sounds simple and easy for you? Well, it might not be so simple when we take a look deeper at both of them

There is No Success Without Sacrifice of Time

Here is the ultimate question regarding success: How long does it take to succeed? Well, the answer depends on where you start to chase it and what kind of success that you define for yourself. But certainly, it is going to take some time, most probably years, before you can achieve it.

It can be a short time or it can be a long time. The case can be different to everyone as the condition is unique for every one of us. However, there is indeed no success without sacrifice of a lot of time. You must allocate your hours to chase the things that you want and that is one of the things that is non-negotiable.

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Think about the heaviness of this sacrifice. Time is a very precious thing and you can allocate it also to other activities that are fun or much more relaxing to you. Would you allocate most of it to chase your dream? Well, most of people seem to answer no as they prefer to do other things which are much more enjoyable currently and it is true that it can be very hard for us to allocate our time to succeed. After all, the short-term reward from doing other things seems to be more interesting than the long-term and uncertain reward that the chase of success has to offer.

One of the reasons why that is the case is because what you do to spend that time is important too and that is when hard work comes to play.

There is No Success Without Sacrifice of Hard Work

Do you want to work hard to succeed? Do not answer yes lightly because what is important is the action that you take based on that answer.

As we do not know how much time we need to sacrifice for our dream realization, so does the hard work that we need to do constantly in the period too. Consistent hard work is needed and there can be many struggles and difficulties that we have to face to do it.

Can you keep on doing the hard work even through the bad situation that you may face in the chase of success? There is no success without sacrifice and your effort in the form of hard work is the thing that you also need to give too. Through significant up and down, you must give your optimum effort constantly before you can achieve the success that you want.

Can you really sacrifice these two? Your true answer might determine the chance of success that you have.

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